Friday, June 28, 2013

The Power of Three P’s
By V N Mittal
Positive thinking, positive attitude and positive speech are the three prerequisites that can
transform your life—physically, mentally and spiritually. In fact, the three form the pillars of personal
development. They are so interwoven and intertwined that passage through one leads to the other.
Attitude is a mental position. It is how we believe in ourselves, feel and think about the future and
react to the past. It is our attitude that makes us respond to people and different situations based
on our acquired belief, values and assumptions. Our behavior determines our attitude. Positive
attitude is a catalyst that brings a chain of happenings and results. It draws people to you while
your negative attitude may repel them. Positive psychological studies indicate that an affirmative
attitude along with an optimistic outlook and positive thinking, not only can bring better health and
happiness,--but also may elevate us spiritually. We find ourselves in a much better situation to
connect to ourselves and others.
No one is devoid of thinking. According to Rene Descartes, ‘Je Pense donc je suis’ meaning I
think—therefore I am’ Thoughts generate action-- positive thoughts lead to positive speech and
in turn positive action and positive living. Also the negative thoughts generate negative actions
leading to negative living. Positive affirmations and positive confessions make life run smoothly.
You are enabled to tackle unexpected problems by maintaining positive attitude in a creative way.
One way to maintain positive thinking is by forgiving people.
So the thought process is the prime mover and a key to positive living and success. “You see
things and you say ’why?’ but I dream things that never were; and I say ’Why not?’ ” says George
Bernard Shaw. An optimist views the bottle as half full and the pessimist as half empty. A positive
mind anticipates happiness and joy and sees a successful outcome in every situation and action.
As per the law of attraction also, what ever the mind expects, it finds.
Not everyone believes in positive thinking. Negative experiences and failures seem to condition
the mind to believe in negative outcome of whatever is attempted in life. A story goes that a young
man was to appear for an interview. His past experience of failures in the job interviews had
conditioned his mind to such an extent that he anticipated his rejection in interview. He felt tense
and resultantly could not sleep the whole night and got up late next morning. He had no time left to
iron his clothes well and proceeded to appear for the interview shabbily dressed and confused. The
outcome was obvious. His negative attitude brought up a chain of happenings that led to his failure.
In fact, both positive and negative thoughts are contagious. People in your proximity easily pick
up the vibes. Negative thoughts, words and attitude generate unpleasant moods and actions.
Negative thinking leaves toxins in the system and seems to poisons it. Failure, frustration and
disappointment ensue.
Positive attitude is the natural corollary of positive thinking. One can tame the mind by developing
and manifesting a positive attitude, constructive and creative thinking and looking at the failures as
a blessing in disguise. Make it a habit to allow into your consciousness feelings of happiness, and
success. Once negative thoughts clutter your mind, endeavor to replace them with the positive
ones. The use of positive words such as, ’It can be done’, ‘yes, it is possible’, ‘I can do it’ in your
speech has a powerful effect on your mind and can evoke feelings of peace; happiness and
success; better health and emotional wellbeing. Misused words generate misleading thoughts so
be aware of what words you choose in your conversation.
By combining the power of positive thinking, affirmative attitude and positive speech in our day to
day lives, we tend to attain perfection and a state of Buddha hood.
The writer is a Dehradun based Reiki Sensei. He can be reached at email

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