Friday, June 28, 2013

The Mystic Power of Numbers
V N Mittal

“The world is built on the power of numbers and the entire universe is composed of mathematical patterns.” Pythagoras

Numbers play an important role in every sphere of life. They have been used in myriad of ways. The mathematicians employ them for solving arithmetical problems, the statisticians gather data and analyse the numbers to draw valid conclusions, the astrologers and numerologists employ them for making predictions and foretelling the fortune. You can’t have a residence without numbers. Not only are they indispensable in our day to day dealings – but also they have spiritual ramification.

Numbers have been in use in various cultures and religions ever since the man started feeling the need to use them in daily life. They are often mentioned in the ancient Biblical literature and Hindu mythological texts. In the Vedas too, one finds numbers such as 1, 3, 7 and 10 repeatedly occurring.

Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician, gave a new meaning to the numbers and evolved numerology – the science of numbers. According to him, the world is built upon the power of numbers. He observed that the entire universe is composed of mathematical patterns. All things can be represented in numbers which correspond to universal vibrations.

Belief in any symbolism gets established as you observe the phenomenon occurring repeatedly – especially so when you spot their relationship with the events in the cosmos. This led all cultures to consider numbers as very sacred and show preference for certain numbers in their religious beliefs and activities.

Numbers have mystic powers I realized when they began unfolding for me the hidden secret behind them. In fact, the numbers provided me with the wherewithal as I grew up. I dealt with them all my life as a Statistician. Statistics have often been blamed and likened to lies. But the count matters-- all be it -- the number of RBC's in the blood or the number of runs made by a team on a cricket ground. The power of numbers can be gauged from the fact that Governments come into being only when they have the desired numbers and crumble when they fall short of them.

Numbers take on more meaning than just for counting. Some numbers have a greater bearing on our lives, than others. Take for example number 5. The five elements i.e. void, fire, earth, water and air, sustain life. The number 7 signifies the seven seas, symbol of divinity, Greeks noticed 7 planets encircling the Sun, 7 hills of Babylon, 7 wonders of the world, 7 chakras in human body and the seven layers of aura. The ancient cities of Babylon, Jerusalem and Rome were built on seven hills.

Number 8 was a number of Lord Krishna who was born in the eighth month [August] and rode on a chariot pulled by eight horses. In China 8 is considered as lucky. Number 9 is the highest single digit and has a unique property; you may multiply it by any number and the total still adds to 9. But the number zero seems to encompass the entire philosophy of life as Swami Viveka Nanda explained in his famous speech in US. Its power multiplies manifold by just shifting its position from units to the ten's, hundredths and so on.                                                                                    

Some numbers have a spiritual linking. The number108, for instance, is considered sacred by the Hindus and many other cultures.  The rosary used for chanting the mantras has 108 beads as it is considered auspicious to chant a mantra 108 times   to attain our goals and lift ourselves from the ordinary to the higher level of consciousness. Using the number 108 helps in coordinating the rhythm of time and space and we tend to remain with the spiritual power of nature. All Buddhists accept the Buddha footprints with its 108 auspicious figures found marked on his left foot when his body was discovered. Similarly, number 40 is significant in the Jewish, Christian, Islamic and other traditions.

With the knowledge and conscious use of harmonious numbers, you can change the direction of your life and enjoy the bliss and harmony.
The writer is a Reiki Sensei based in Dehradun and can be reached at email

The Power of Three P’s
By V N Mittal
Positive thinking, positive attitude and positive speech are the three prerequisites that can
transform your life—physically, mentally and spiritually. In fact, the three form the pillars of personal
development. They are so interwoven and intertwined that passage through one leads to the other.
Attitude is a mental position. It is how we believe in ourselves, feel and think about the future and
react to the past. It is our attitude that makes us respond to people and different situations based
on our acquired belief, values and assumptions. Our behavior determines our attitude. Positive
attitude is a catalyst that brings a chain of happenings and results. It draws people to you while
your negative attitude may repel them. Positive psychological studies indicate that an affirmative
attitude along with an optimistic outlook and positive thinking, not only can bring better health and
happiness,--but also may elevate us spiritually. We find ourselves in a much better situation to
connect to ourselves and others.
No one is devoid of thinking. According to Rene Descartes, ‘Je Pense donc je suis’ meaning I
think—therefore I am’ Thoughts generate action-- positive thoughts lead to positive speech and
in turn positive action and positive living. Also the negative thoughts generate negative actions
leading to negative living. Positive affirmations and positive confessions make life run smoothly.
You are enabled to tackle unexpected problems by maintaining positive attitude in a creative way.
One way to maintain positive thinking is by forgiving people.
So the thought process is the prime mover and a key to positive living and success. “You see
things and you say ’why?’ but I dream things that never were; and I say ’Why not?’ ” says George
Bernard Shaw. An optimist views the bottle as half full and the pessimist as half empty. A positive
mind anticipates happiness and joy and sees a successful outcome in every situation and action.
As per the law of attraction also, what ever the mind expects, it finds.
Not everyone believes in positive thinking. Negative experiences and failures seem to condition
the mind to believe in negative outcome of whatever is attempted in life. A story goes that a young
man was to appear for an interview. His past experience of failures in the job interviews had
conditioned his mind to such an extent that he anticipated his rejection in interview. He felt tense
and resultantly could not sleep the whole night and got up late next morning. He had no time left to
iron his clothes well and proceeded to appear for the interview shabbily dressed and confused. The
outcome was obvious. His negative attitude brought up a chain of happenings that led to his failure.
In fact, both positive and negative thoughts are contagious. People in your proximity easily pick
up the vibes. Negative thoughts, words and attitude generate unpleasant moods and actions.
Negative thinking leaves toxins in the system and seems to poisons it. Failure, frustration and
disappointment ensue.
Positive attitude is the natural corollary of positive thinking. One can tame the mind by developing
and manifesting a positive attitude, constructive and creative thinking and looking at the failures as
a blessing in disguise. Make it a habit to allow into your consciousness feelings of happiness, and
success. Once negative thoughts clutter your mind, endeavor to replace them with the positive
ones. The use of positive words such as, ’It can be done’, ‘yes, it is possible’, ‘I can do it’ in your
speech has a powerful effect on your mind and can evoke feelings of peace; happiness and
success; better health and emotional wellbeing. Misused words generate misleading thoughts so
be aware of what words you choose in your conversation.
By combining the power of positive thinking, affirmative attitude and positive speech in our day to
day lives, we tend to attain perfection and a state of Buddha hood.
The writer is a Dehradun based Reiki Sensei. He can be reached at email

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quantum Touch: Energy Healing

You can enhance your innate healing capabilities by integrating the techniques of Quantum-Touch and Reiki.

Quantum Touch

My quest to amplify my energy level and healing power led me to explore another hands-on healing technique in line with Reiki, known as Quantum -Touch [Q-T] developed by Richard Gordon.
The powerful technique has been endorsed by physicians, acupuncturists, chiropractors and Reiki masters. Some of the Reiki masters using Q-T in combination with Reiki have found it so effective that they call it ‘Turbo charging Reiki or Reiki Empowerment’. The statement may appear exaggerated, but using the two systems together does seem to augment their combined effect manifold as a result of synergy so generated. What is most thrilling about Q-T is the electric speed and the intensity with which it works.[Also read Essential Therapies, CW March 2007]

What is Quantum-Touch?

According to mind-body guru, Deepak Chopra, “In order for consciousness to affect matter, it must affect it at a quantum or subatomic level”. Richard Gordon believes that there exists an intersection point on a subatomic or quantum level where consciousness and matter intersect. By manipulating this point, Q-T, dynamically and positively, activates the body’s own healing process through love and intent.
From the DNA to the bones, all cells and systems effortlessly respond to the healing vibration of love.

How does Q-T work?

Q-T activates the body’s in-built healing mechanism through a conscious manipulation of the area being healed at the subatomic or quantum level and changing the vibration of the area by matching with the raised resonance [vibration of one body in response to that of another] of the practitioner through entrainment [the process by which things align their movement and energy together to match in rhythm and phase].
Q-T works on the principle that energy follows thought; the practitioner directs his intention and focus to create a high energy field and uses that field to surround the area to be healed.
It works its way up through the atoms, molecules, body-cells, tissues and organs to produce the desired healing response.

How are Q-T and Reiki similar?

The healing systems of Quantum-Touch and Reiki work on the common principle of raising the vibratory level of the practitioner. Only the modus operandi differs. The former employs resonance and entrainment and the latter uses universal life force energy to boost the innate life force energy of the body. Both systems are hands-on-healing and work on the premise of intent and love. So blending them together is quite safe and effective.

Some Q-T exercises

At the core of Q-T are the body focusing, and special breathing techniques. A combination of these techniques enables the practitioner to powerfully focus and amplify Chi [life-force energy] with the hands placed on the area—the role that the Power Symbol performs in Reiki. No symbols are, however, used in Q-T.

Body awareness exercises

Feeling your finger

Hold your finger in the air and be aware of it. In about two minutes, you will feel vibration/ buzzing/heat/heaviness on it. Some may feel an increased awareness of the finger itself.

Feeling your body parts

This exercise is best done seated in a chair with the help of a friend. It is meant to bring energy and sensation to all body parts.
Start doing gentle sweeping strokes upward from toes of the feet to the ankles, patting and stopping at ankles. Repeat the sweeping without touching, if no upward movement of energy is felt, then resume gentle stroking. Continue moving upwards, gently stroking shins, knees, thighs, hips, lower pelvis, stomach, chest, neck and up to the head, in that order. Then come down from both sides of the head [right hand moving down the left side and left hand down the right side] stroking down the opposite shoulders, arms and ending into the hands, feeling the sensations of heat, vibration, tingling or buzzing all over the body parts. The toe to head stroking stimulates the directional flow of energy throughout the body. You may repeat the exercise a number of times to enjoy the sensations.
You may find it cumbersome to do it on the back of your body by yourself and may need help.

18 Inch sweeps

Repeat the Exercise 2 ["Feeling your body parts"] pattern. This time, employing longer sweeping strokes of 18 inches in length each. Start with a sweeping touch from the feet up to the knees. Stop to feel the sensation and gradually move to the head, then down to the shoulders and to the hands.

Conscious and controlled breathing

The 4-4 breath

Do thorough body sweeps mentally from feet to top of your head as you inhale to the count of four [of one second each]. You should feel as much sensation as possible as you bring your awareness through your body. Exhale to the count of four and let all the sensation, so generated, concentrate in your hands. This is an easy breathing exercise.

The 1-4 breath

Completely inhale to the count of one and exhale to the count of four. Inhaling to the count of one requires mouth breathing. Stop if you feel dizzy.

Deep abdominal breathing–2-6 breath

Two counts of one second in length for inhalation and six counts of one second each for the exhalation complete a cycle. This is a very powerful breathing technique and there is no holding of breath involved.

Connecting energy to breath

Linking body awareness exercises with breathing techniques helps the flow of energy in the session. Mentally, do a full body sweep on yourself. You may sit or stand. Start a 2-6 breathing pattern and place all your awareness in your hands. Feel the energy building on exhalation. Do this for a few minutes till you are able to coordinate the exhalation with sensation. Focus on the 6 counts of exhalation.
Keeping the hands gently cupped, start 1-4 breath pattern. Notice the change in sensation in your hands. Work to feel the sensation increase on exhalation. Now start doing the fire breathing technique. As you breathe keep your hands closed/cupped [as done in Reiki]. After you have finished the rapid inhalations and exhalations, take a large inhalation and go into 1-4 or 2-6 pattern.
Tip: Notice the change in sensation in your hands. If you feel increase in sensation on exhalations, you are doing well and are ready to proceed to next step i.e. passing the energy and doing the healing session as explained.

How to heal

Place your hands on both sides the patient’s pain area. If you are working on the neck or back, place one hand on each side of the vertebrae of the spine. Running energy with the tips of ‘tripod’ [tips of the thumb and first two fingers joined together] into the occipital ridge for about two minutes is an effective way to treat neck pain. Remember to take large breaths throughout the treatment. While working, pay close attention to the changes in sensations in your hands. Chase the pain and shift your hands to the area of shifting pain, if any. Treat for 20-30 minutes if pain continues. The trick is to use the breathing techniques through the session.
Focusing the energy through the tips of the ‘tripod’ is also a highly effective way to treat pain in very small areas such as jaws.

How to integrate Reiki with Q-T

Combining the two hands-on-healing techniques together is easy. It can be achieved by focusing the energy on each of the Reiki hand positions using Reiki symbols. Simultaneously connect breathing to the sensation in the hand and continue the breathing.
Concurrent use of Reiki symbols, especially laying power symbol on each of the position adds to the focus of resonance and entrainment and makes it a still more powerful healing technique. The other advantage of using Reiki Power Symbol while you run the energy doing full body sweeps [an essential Q-T exercise] is that it acts like a spiral spinning the energy through and around your body at the same time. Making the energy spin raises the vibration and the potential for the energy to penetrate deeper.
This Q-T technique of treating the area by sandwiching it between the two hands also amplifies your healing power manifold.


Quantum-Touch has been found especially effective in addressing bone-related problems. Bones move into alignment with just a light touch. The technique is remarkably effective in dealing with all sorts of neck or back pains with a fire fighting speed and safety. When combined with the healing power of Reiki, the results are amazing. You may use the two together to send distant healing, balance emotional distress or even to heal your pet dogs, cats, horses or other pets. Those who have no access to Reiki, will still find the Q-T technique as outlined here, useful for practice.
Disclaimer: This article does not purport to be a substitute for proper training either in Quantum-Touch or in Reiki, though knowledge of latter is presumed.

Achieve a greater state of wellbeing

There is far more to Quantum-Touch [Q-T] than merely assisting the body to alleviate pain or symptoms. Beyond the paradigm of disease, is the concept of ‘wellness’ — constantly striving to achieve greater states of well-being and happiness.
Q-T can:
  • Relax muscles
  • Release stress
  • Enhance the recovery from workouts
  • Help align structural problems
  • Improve immune and endocrine function
  • Improve general health.
One of the unique qualities of Q-T is that it elegantly works in conjunction with any other healing modality, and is a great stand-alone therapy as well. Chiropractors say that it is an advanced form of chiropractic, since bones glide back into alignment with only a light touch. Acupuncturists, naturopaths, osteopaths, physical therapists, Reiki masters, chi gung, cranial sacral practitioners, agree that Q-T transforms this practice.

Quantum-Touch and the mind

Panic attacks usually conclude extremely rapidly, and Q-T works well with multiple personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Life-force energy can cause one to feel emotionally balanced and can bring about rapid and profound emotional shifts in a short amount of time. It is not uncommon for someone who is experiencing an extremely painful emotional state to be brought to a state of well-being in session of 15-30 minutes.

Reiki For Women

Reiki for Women

Women are increasingly seeking alternative therapies to address their nagging health concerns. Reiki is one such handy tool that can alleviate a few of their ailments.

Tired lady

Women are increasingly seeking alternative therapies to address their nagging health concerns. Reiki is one such handy tool that can alleviate a few of their ailments.
Though a majority of health concerns are common to men and women, the latter are especially prone to certain gender-specific ailments vis-a-vis the men. The top nagging health concerns of women are often related to sexual health, pregnancy, breasts, menstrual problems, menopause, gynaecologic cancers, and osteoporosis. Added to these are lifestyle disorders such as heart problems, depression, insomnia, diabetes, digestive disorders and a host of other ailments that women share with men.
Of late, there is a definite drift towards the use of alternative therapies worldwide, especially among women. The side-effects and high cost of modern medicine are some of the reasons that could be attributed to this noticeable shift. Mounting evidence suggests a growing number of women opting to employ alternative medicine such as homoeopathy, herbal treatment, ayurvedic treatment, aromatherapy, yoga and similar options, to combat their day-to-day health concerns.

Healing Energy

Reiki is a form of spiritual practice used as a complementary therapy for the treatment of physical, mental, and emotional diseases. Practitioners use a technique similar to the laying of hands, which they believe will channel “healing energy”. They state that energy flows through their palms to bring about healing and that the method can be used for self-treatment as well as treatment of others.
The name “Reiki” is derived from two Japanese characters that describe the energy itself — “rei” meaning unseen or spiritual and “ki” meaning “energy or life force”.

Reiki – an effective option

Reiki — the art of tapping in universal life force energy for a holistic healing — is one such therapy that is finding favour with most people, especially women, both young and old. Reiki treats you without any drugs and allows you to tap into it just whenever you please for treating yourself or another person. You may use Reiki in conjunction with other conventional medicine with added advantage of compatibility, for catalysing and augmenting the latter’s effect. Reiki is a handy tool for a homemaker to alleviate all sorts of pain triggered by the pressure of household chores. For a working lady, it offers a succour to cope with the stress arising at her workplace.

Treating with Reiki

Treating special health concerns of women can be a very soothing and wonderful experience. They have to connect to Reiki by intent and dispense it by placing hands on the key positions for a few minutes. For women who still have not acquired the ability to channel Reiki, help of a Reiki practitioner may be useful.

Key positions

Problems during pregnancy

Aisha, living in my neighbourhood, had a difficult first pregnancy. In the initial days, she suffered from frequent vomiting. As the days advanced, during her seventh month of pregnancy, she was admitted to the hospital for treatment of the still foetus in her womb. She was advised complete rest at home. But the problem recurred again and again. Her parents asked me to give Reiki for treating her condition. Giving Reiki on the key positions of her kidneys and on the sacral plexus for 15-30 minutes revived the movement of the foetus inside. The activity was easily felt by the hands and later confirmed through scanning. Not only was the treatment effective, but it also helped her deliver a healthy child on the expected date.
Word of caution: Results may vary from case to case. So consult medical advice of your gynaecologist.


Hot flashes, night sweats and frequent need to urinate are some of the common experiences in menopause. The main affected glands are the ovaries and the adrenals. Giving Reiki over back of solar plexus, back of sacral plexus and the root chakra helps in this condition.


The bones become brittle with lack of calcium intake and decreased bone density. Also, osteoporosis amongst women is often due to menopausal changes. The disorder is age-related and can acquire dangerous proportions if timely treatment is not given. Giving Reiki on the positions same as for menopause is helpful.

Menstrual problems

You can treat menstrual cycle imbalances by placing one hand on the right breast and the other on the left breast and give Reiki for 15 minutes. Now place one hand on ovaries and the other between the legs and treat with Reiki.
For treating menstrual bleeding problems, give Reiki on solar plexus, sacral plexus and ovaries [one hand on ovaries and the other between the legs].
For pains, cramps and PMS, dispense Reiki on solar plexus, sacral plexus, bladder, kidneys, base of spine, ankles and soles, and toes of both the feet.
Tip: I have found that sandwiching the sacral plexus by placing hands on both sides of this position gives quick relief in painful menstrual condition.

Breast ailments

Women often report the development of lumps which may become serious breast tumour or even a malignant ulcer, if neglected. The simple way to treat this condition is to place one hand over one breast and the other over the other breast, followed by sacral plexus, bladder, kidneys and soles with toes of feet, and dispensing Reiki for 10-20 minutes thrice a day. It can take you many days to heal the breast tumour, but is worth a try.


  • Works as a first aid to combat all types of pains
  • Speeds healing
  • Augments the positive effects of other medication, if any
  • Restores hormonal balance often missed during menopause
  • Empowers them to promote self help to address their day-to-day health concerns
  • Women emerge as more confident to face the usual menopausal imbalances.

Activate your chakras

Meditating on your chakras is good for your physical and spiritual health

Most forms of meditative practices entail focusing your attention on the incoming and outgoing breath. Often, beginners get stuck at this stage and look for something that may take them beyond breath awareness. Such people can find meditating on the chakras useful.

Chakra system

Chakras are the subtle whirling wheels located along the spinal column that open from the body to the aura or the ethereal. They can also be called as psychic organs that connect the aura [etheric body] to the physical body. The seven major chakras act as transmitters for the seven states of consciousness.
You can activate your chakras, both by physical manipulation and by visualisation.

How does chakra meditation work?

Often an imbalance in the chakras is what causes illness in body and mind. Chakra meditation works in more ways than one. The process of focusing your energy and awareness on the chakra stimulates it. The resultant activation and alignment of the chakras paves the way for a free flow of energy through them, restoring balance and harmony to the body energy centres.


Chakra meditation can be practised almost anywhere, though it is helpful to dedicate a quiet and tidy space for the purpose. A chair or a cushion to sit on is all that you need for it.
Sit comfortably, either on a chair with your feet flat on the ground, or in sukhasana [cross-legged] on the floor with your spine straight.
Slowly, inhale from the lower abdomen and focus your awareness on the root chakra [Mooladhara] located at the base of your spine.
Visualise a ruby-red spiral spinning in this area while continuing to breathe slowly. Pause for two minutes.
Now, bring your attention to the sacral chakra [Swadisthan] about two inches below the navel and visualise an orange coloured spiral spinning here, maintaining slow inhalation and exhalation. Pause for two minutes.
Repeat projecting breath and awareness on the solar plexus chakra [Manipur] visualising a yellow-coloured spiral spinning in the area of the navel. Pause for two minutes.
Move your consciousness and breath to the heart chakra [Anahat] visualising a green-coloured spiral whirling in the centre of the chest. Pause.
Next, visualise a sky blue spiral spinning at the throat chakra [Vishuddhi] while you focus your attention and breath there. Pause.
Now, turn your consciousness and breathing to the third-eye chakra [Adnya] visualising an indigo-coloured spiral spinning in the area. Pause for two minutes.
Finally, as you ascend to the crown chakra [Sahasrar], imagine all your chakra spirals whirling at once, producing white light above the crown. Pause for two minutes.
Then, imagine that this white light is winding down from the crown passing through each chakra and going to the root chakra. It is then passing along your legs and entering the earth. This exercise grounds your energy into the energy of the earth. You feel more calm and grounded.
Chakra meditation has an edge over other meditation forms as it not only enables the mind to remain free from distractions, but also restores health in the body, mind and spirit by reactivating and aligning the energy centres. About 20 minutes of chakra meditation every morning is sufficient to keep you physically, mentally and emotionally charged up for the whole day.

Why try the chakra meditation

  • Improves mental clarity by increasing energy flow to the brain
  • Enhances the immune system
  • Acts as a prophylactic for common ailments
  • Increases our daily capacity to work.

Sounds that activate chakras

The following sounds if chanted, help activate your chakras.
  • LAM – Root
  • VAM – Sacral
  • RAM – Solar
  • YAM – Heart
  • HUM – Throat
  • AUM – Third eye
  • AAH – Crown
You could also use chakra meditation music that will help you activate your energies.

Reiki Help for the Aged

Age plays a major role in affecting our “resistance” to disease. This is one reason why the elderly are often diagnosed with maladies such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, urinary problems, and so on.
Mainstream medicine does not have an answer for all diseases. Besides this, economic considerations and innumerable side-effects of conventional medicines also drive the elderly, like anyone else, towards exploring complementary, or alternative, therapies that address their health concerns and, at the same time, be compatible with the treatment already pursued by them.
Because of its simplicity, effectiveness and, versatility, Reiki is one such therapy that has found favour with many elderly people worldwide.

A boon for the aged

Reiki can be practiced by anybody, including the aged, anytime, anywhere. The good news is that even the fragile and the infirm can easily manoeuvre and use it in a host of situations. Also, as Reiki easily blends well with all healing modalities, it can be used with or without conventional medications in place. This is not all. With a little training and initiation by a Reiki master, the ability to channel the healing vibrations of the therapy can be easily acquired by the elderly for addressing their day-to-daymedical problems.
One more thing. The elderly can also emotionally feel secure and connected with people by using Reiki. Because, Reiki can help them to revive their memory and recollect things they had forgotten for long. In addition, a regular practice of Reiki is highly relaxing, and re-energising. It acts like a stress-buster. It has, therefore, been found to be effective in treating stress-related conditions, such as sleeplessness, headaches, and fatigue.
Also, all types of pains can be easily managed by proper Reiki techniques.

The technique

You can get quick relief – and, even help another senior – by using the following steps. You may, however, seek the help of a Reiki channel, if you are not able to tap into Reiki energy by yourself.
  • Remain seated in the chair, or on floor in an easy posture. However, Reiki treatment for some of the diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease is best done while you lie in bed
  • Remove your shoes
  • Connect yourself to Reiki by a simple intent
  • Place hands lightly on each of the “key hand positions” for a few minutes, or as warranted by the sickness
  • For a faster and deeper manifestation of Reiki, use appropriate symbols, with the help of a therapist. Also, relief can be obtained even without the use of the technique/s.

Alzheimer’s disease

This is a neurodegenerative malady reaching global epidemic proportions and, perhaps, the most common form of dementia in the elderly. Alzheimer’s is a progressive brain disorder that gradually destroys a person’s memory, the ability to recognise familiar human faces, ability to learn and also one’s reasoning power. Intellectual activity – and not pills – seems to be most helpful in putting a stop to fading memory and for reviving memories lost, without any side-effects.
The integrated technique of Reiki has been found to be a safe and effective option to treat all types of brain disorders including Parkinson’s disease and cases of stroke. The major chakra involved is the Ajna or the Third Eye [Also, read the article, "Chakra & You," in this issue].

In the initial stage of the disease:

  • Lie on your back or sit in a chair
  • Cross your legs with your left ankle placed over the right
  • Connect to Reiki by affirmation
  • Draw symbols one and two on your palms, if you are a Reiki channel
  • Place your hands on the head so that your right wrist is placed over the left while your palms rest on both the back sides of your head
  • Give Reiki for 10 minutes in this position
  • Now, reverse the position of the hands by placing the left wrist over the right and also reverse the legs so that the right ankle is placed over the left. Give Reiki for 10 minutes in this position.
One problem that may crop up is – Alzheimer’s patients may not remember Reiki hand positions Treatment by a Reiki therapist may, therefore, be necessary.

Treatment by the therapist

  • Let the client lie down on his/her back
  • Cross patient’s hands on the chest so that the left wrist is placed on the right
  • Cross his/her legs so that the right ankle is placed on the left ankle
  • Reiki may now be dispensed by the therapist by placing his/her hands on both sides of the temples of the client, allowing the thumbs touch each other on the point of Third Eye, for 10 minutes. The second and the first symbols of Reiki practice may be used for enhancing the effect of treatment
  • Now, reverse the positions of the hands as also of the legs and give Reiki on both sides of the temples for 10 minutes.

Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease belongs to a group of conditions called movement disorders. It is characterised by muscle rigidity, tremor, postural instability, difficulty in walking, and loss of physical movement. The main glands involved in the disorder are the pituitary and the adrenals.
The treatment for Parkinson’s is quite similar to Alzheimer’s – you may need to take treatment for about a month, or as long as required, to get good results. In addition to the technique described under Alzheimer’s, Reiki may be given on the Third Eye, spine, adrenals, the kidneys and the liver, in patients presenting with symptoms of the disease.


The key hand positions are: the affected joints, eyes, temples, ears, front of root chakra, soles, kidneys and back [Hara].

Urinary problems

With advancing age, the inflamma-tion of the prostate gland is a common problem. This gives rise to difficulty in urination and/or frequent urination especially during night.
This can also cause not only sleep-ing problems, but also serious disorders – e.g., prostate cancer, if the malady is not stalled in the initial stages.
Impart Reiki on – kidneys, lower bladder area, urethra, prostate gland [ovaries in women, who present with urinary problems] and intestines.
There is also another factor that can help. It’s all a game – a game of life and aging.
The elderly would sure find com-fort in Robert Browning’s memorable lines -
Grow old along with me
The best is yet to be.
This writer, a healthy septuagenarian, strongly believes in a positive outlook and attributes his wellbeing to a strict regimen of regular exer-cise, pranayama, yoga, simple food habits – and, above all, his complete trust in the healing powers of Reiki.


You need to give Reiki to the head area – mainly the back of head, forehead, temples, back of head, heart, and solar plexus. Using Reiki, especially on the temples, would make it easy for you to sleep.
Reiki tip: Place your right hand on the heart chakra [Anahat] – the area in the middle of chest and left hand on the Sacral chakra [Swadisthan] while lying down in bed. Try to sleep in this position with your hands on the chakra cited.
Also, if you feel that you are not getting sleep because of some mental tension, you should try to first resolve the cause of your tension and try Reiki later.